Friday, July 11, 2014

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  John 1:5

Things may look dark in Africa, and all over the world, but the Good News is that Jesus came and conquered and so can we.  He said, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"  John 16:33.  Yay!  That's great news.  That means until the very end of the age, through all of the difficult things happening and have yet to take place.  He said, "and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" Matthew 28:20. 

So in the midst of the dark times we can be assured that His light will never go out, and we will overcome through Him.  We can get out there and see Him do amazing things as reach out to the hurting and lost, pray for the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, help the poor. 

In Kenya, in the midst of the chaos that has ensued from a constant battle with terrorists, political upheaval and increased crime, we get to see the Lord heal people, restore families, feed the hungry and bring hope the desperate.  After a lot of research and hard work we've recently been able to restore some families.  Children who have lived on the streets for even years have been restored to their moms or aunties, where hopefully they'll be able to stay at least while on break from their schools, and get to know their relatives.  Their families need help to be able to support them as many children go to the street because of severe poverty and the family's inability to provide adequate food and education.  If you would like to help us do this work please feel free to contact Sheltering Wings at  Or write to them at P.O. Box 29565, St. Louis, MO 63126. 

We currently have several children in need of a sponsor in Kenya and regular donations to keep up with feeding and schooling the children and upkeep of a center.  Your prayers are also greatly appreciated.  Thank you for helping us to shine the Light in a dark place.

Brian reunited with family members

Brian happy to be in school after many years on the streets

2 boys reunited with mom and siblings

4 of our boys on school break

Wilhard reconciled with his mom and brother